

Petroleum Products

Our strengths:

Procurement of Crude Oil at optimum cost

Timely availability of Crude Oil at refineries

Import of LPG, Gasoil and Gasoline to meet your domestic demand.

Export of products from refineries

Chartering of ships for Crude Oil, LPG, and other products at optimum freight

Crude Oil: We help entities to procure Crude Oil for your refineries. We can source wide variety of crude basket comprising 144 grades of Crude Oil. We can source these grades from well-diversified regions across the world viz. Middle-East, South Asia, West Africa, North America, South America, and North Sea. We can source both on term and spot contract basis.

Petroleum Products: We can also help you imports various finished petroleum products for meeting demand in your domestic market. The products we can import for you are:



Fuel Oil



Bulk Bitumen

Lube Oil Base Stock

High Sulphur Gasoil

High Sulphur Gasoline